In the wake of Google Instant’s SEO blogger backlash, today we will recap some of the most compelling SEO articles of recent weeks past. With so many questions about whether it’s alive or dead, SEO is becoming the Tupac Shakur of online marketing. However we do know that SEO is constantly changing, and this week we will recap some of the top articles to give you a solid grasp on the current SEO buzz.
SEO Starter Guide Updated [Google Blog] Two years ago Google published its first SEO starter guide. On September 28, 2010 they announced that they have updated the starter guide with a “Glossary to define terms throughout the guide, more example images to help you understand the content, ways to optimize your site for mobile devices, clearer wording for better readability”. A “must have” for SEO strategists.
SEO Trends Yahoo and Bing Together But Still Not the Same [Marketing Vox] Google’s algorithm is constantly changing but most SEO strategists agree that Bing and Yahoo are running the same algorithm. This may not be the case; Yahoo and Bing may produce different results on non-branded terms. This may be important to note as some companies are shifting their SEO strategy to rank on Bing and Yahoo.
The Importance of SEO and Quality Content To Online Success [Helium] “Quality is king”. We’ve all heard the SEO 101 lecture that quality content is the most important element of search engine optimization. Helium reiterates this point by writing that “quality content and SEO” are two ingredients to online success. We believe that SEO tactics need to be backboned with quality content, and they aren’t two separate ingredients, they are one holistic strategy.
Primal Makes Content Automation Almost Too Easy [Gigaom] On the other end of the “quality content” spectrum, we have Primal, a website that is designed to publish content “easier”. Primal takes a simple thought and then tries to build a community around a topic. Co-founder Peter Sweeney says “We want to make it so simple and easy to publish content online that anyone can do it in a matter of moments.” Time will tell if Primal will be the next generation of Tumblr, Wordpress, and Blogger.
Guest Post: How Google Instant Can Help and Hurt SEO [TechCrunch] Google Instant has been evaluated rigorously since inception the past few weeks. One key point this article makes is Google Instant’s effect on long-tail keyword compression. Eli Feldblum writes “Because Google Instant focuses the user’s attention on more popular search phrases, by suggesting them and showing their results as the user types, fewer users will use longer tail, less popular phrases”.
Google Instant is causing chaos and uncertainty with SEO and PPC marketing. Will blogger back linking and long-tail keywords be rendered useless in search ranking? Will marketers begin focusing their niche on Bing and Yahoo? The verdict isn’t out quite yet, but making yourselves aware of the changing SEO landscape is helpful in your efforts for that #1 ranking.
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